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Tall Ship Sailing Experience from Portland, Dorset!

Portland Harbour and Forts.

Portland Breakwater Fort.
The Portland Breakwater Fort is a 19th-century fort, built between 1868-1875 to defend Portland Harbour. It is located on the outer breakwater of Portland Harbour in Dorset, England. A Grade II Listed building since 1978, the fort is not open to the public and remains derelict. On the opposite side of the next stretch of the breakwater is the Portland Breakwater Lighthouse.
RFA Sir Tristram.
This retired Royal Fleet Auxillary (RFA) Landing Ship is a veteran of the Falklands War and now moored permanently in Portland Harbour for training purposes.

The Eastern Entrance.
Left - The Chequered Fort is so know due to the chequered design of the Fort's armour plating.
RFA Sir Tristram is in the background.
Nothe Fort
Nothe Fort is a fort in Weymouth. The fort is situated at the end of the Nothe Peninsula, which juts eastwards from the town of Weymouth, and Weymouth Harbour, into the sea to the north of ex-military Portland Harbour.
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